

近日,海问娱乐法业务组再度受著名法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,为其“专家聚焦”(Chambers Expert Focus)栏目撰文。该文以“中国AI生成图片著作权第一案”为题,由合伙人曹宇律师以及李依共同执笔。

Recently, the prestigious legal rating firm Chambers and Partners ("Chambers") has once again invited Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group to author an article for its Expert Focus ("Expert Focus") publication. The article, titled "First AI-Generated Picture Copyright Case in the PRC", is co-authored by partner Cao Yu and associate Li Yi.


文章介绍了北京互联网法院于2023年7月对(2023)京0491 民初11279号案作出的初审判决,该案被称为国内AI生成图片著作权侵权第一案。文章总结了该案的基本情况,分析了案件涉及的主要法律问题,如AI生成图片是否构成著作权法下保护的作品、其著作权由谁享有、被告是否侵犯了作者的署名权等,并指出了此案的预期影响。
The article discusses the preliminary judgment issued by the Beijing Internet Court in July 2023 on case No. (2023) Jing 0491 Min Chu No. 11279, famously known as the "first AI-generated picture copyright case" in the PRC. It provides an overview of the case, delving into key legal issues, such as whether AI-generated pictures shall constitute "work" eligible for protection under the PRC Copyright Law, the ownership of their copyright, and whether the defendant infringed upon the author's right to attribution. The article also sheds light on the anticipated influence of this case.

海问的娱乐法业务组在市场上受到广泛认可。其中,合伙人曹宇部分荣誉包括2019-2024年连续获得“钱伯斯亚太指南”娱乐媒体领域一等级别律师推荐,亚洲法律概况(asialaw Profiles)2022/23、2023/24年卓越律师(媒体与娱乐领域),《亚洲法律杂志》“2021 ALB China 十五佳TMT律师”,及连续荣获《法律500强》(The Legal 500)2021-2024年亚太榜单通信媒体领域“领先律师”。

Haiwen's Entertainment Law Group is highly recognized across the industry. Recent honors of its leading partner Cao Yu include being ranked as Band 1 Lawyer for Media & Entertainment (PRC firms) from 2019 to 2024, consecutively, by Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific Guide; "Distinguished Practitioner" in Media & Entertainment in 2022/23 and 2023/24 by asialaw Profiles; "2021 ALB China Top 15 TMT Lawyers" by Asian Legal Business; as well as "Leading Individual" in the TMT sector by The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide from 2021 to 2024.

此前,海问娱乐法业务组曾分别于2022和2023年受钱伯斯邀请,为“专家聚焦”栏目撰写以“NFT在中国:拥有一份体育时刻” 点击此处浏览和“《中外合作制作电视剧管理规定》将修订,或将正式监管中外合拍网剧点击此处浏览为题的实务文章,并于2020年-2023年连续四年受邀撰写钱伯斯《全球法律实务指南:广告与市场营销(中国篇)》点击此处浏览2023年版)。

Previously, Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group was invited to author two articles entitled "NFTs in China: Owning a Sporting Moment(see hereand "Rules to Be Amended to Permit Sino-Foreign Co-Production of Web Series(see herefor the "Expert Focus" publication in 2022 and 2023. The practice group was also invited for four consecutive years from 2020 to 2023 to contribute to the China Chapter of Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing (see here for the 2023 edition).

The Guide is free to access on the Chambers website (See "Read More"). 






About Entertainment Group of Haiwen



近日,海问娱乐法业务组再度受著名法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,为其“专家聚焦”(Chambers Expert Focus)栏目撰文。该文以“中国AI生成图片著作权第一案”为题,由合伙人曹宇律师以及李依共同执笔。

Recently, the prestigious legal rating firm Chambers and Partners ("Chambers") has once again invited Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group to author an article for its Expert Focus ("Expert Focus") publication. The article, titled "First AI-Generated Picture Copyright Case in the PRC", is co-authored by partner Cao Yu and associate Li Yi.


文章介绍了北京互联网法院于2023年7月对(2023)京0491 民初11279号案作出的初审判决,该案被称为国内AI生成图片著作权侵权第一案。文章总结了该案的基本情况,分析了案件涉及的主要法律问题,如AI生成图片是否构成著作权法下保护的作品、其著作权由谁享有、被告是否侵犯了作者的署名权等,并指出了此案的预期影响。
The article discusses the preliminary judgment issued by the Beijing Internet Court in July 2023 on case No. (2023) Jing 0491 Min Chu No. 11279, famously known as the "first AI-generated picture copyright case" in the PRC. It provides an overview of the case, delving into key legal issues, such as whether AI-generated pictures shall constitute "work" eligible for protection under the PRC Copyright Law, the ownership of their copyright, and whether the defendant infringed upon the author's right to attribution. The article also sheds light on the anticipated influence of this case.

海问的娱乐法业务组在市场上受到广泛认可。其中,合伙人曹宇部分荣誉包括2019-2024年连续获得“钱伯斯亚太指南”娱乐媒体领域一等级别律师推荐,亚洲法律概况(asialaw Profiles)2022/23、2023/24年卓越律师(媒体与娱乐领域),《亚洲法律杂志》“2021 ALB China 十五佳TMT律师”,及连续荣获《法律500强》(The Legal 500)2021-2024年亚太榜单通信媒体领域“领先律师”。

Haiwen's Entertainment Law Group is highly recognized across the industry. Recent honors of its leading partner Cao Yu include being ranked as Band 1 Lawyer for Media & Entertainment (PRC firms) from 2019 to 2024, consecutively, by Chambers & Partners Asia-Pacific Guide; "Distinguished Practitioner" in Media & Entertainment in 2022/23 and 2023/24 by asialaw Profiles; "2021 ALB China Top 15 TMT Lawyers" by Asian Legal Business; as well as "Leading Individual" in the TMT sector by The Legal 500 Asia Pacific Guide from 2021 to 2024.

此前,海问娱乐法业务组曾分别于2022和2023年受钱伯斯邀请,为“专家聚焦”栏目撰写以“NFT在中国:拥有一份体育时刻” 点击此处浏览和“《中外合作制作电视剧管理规定》将修订,或将正式监管中外合拍网剧点击此处浏览为题的实务文章,并于2020年-2023年连续四年受邀撰写钱伯斯《全球法律实务指南:广告与市场营销(中国篇)》点击此处浏览2023年版)。

Previously, Haiwen's Entertainment Law Practice Group was invited to author two articles entitled "NFTs in China: Owning a Sporting Moment(see hereand "Rules to Be Amended to Permit Sino-Foreign Co-Production of Web Series(see herefor the "Expert Focus" publication in 2022 and 2023. The practice group was also invited for four consecutive years from 2020 to 2023 to contribute to the China Chapter of Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing (see here for the 2023 edition).

The Guide is free to access on the Chambers website (See "Read More"). 






About Entertainment Group of Haiwen


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